Get the EPUB Version of the Book Free!
If you have a Nook, iPad, iPhone, or a number of other devices, you can use them to read the EPUB book. There are also a number of free EPUB readers for PCs.
If you have with your device a way to send books to it through a special email address, you can do that below. Otherwise look farther down for the download link.
The easiest way
If you are using an iPad or Nook or other reading device that has internet capability, you should be able to download the book (click here to download) directly from the web browser on the device and open it to read. If this does not work, see the directions below.
Download the EPUB book to your computer
Download the book directly here: The Head Coverings of 1 Corinthians 11.
Now choose a method below. (Neither are actually that difficult and which one is harder than the other is subjective.)
The harder way
If you have Calibre installed, you can open the saved book in it and use it load the book onto your device. Calibre is free if you want to download it.
The hardest way
For the Nook (other readers are probably similar, but you may have to find the specific documentation for your device):
- Save the file to your computer.
- Plug your Nook into your computer.
- Find where you saved the file and copy it into the “My Documents” directory on the Nook.
- It should now be available when you unplug the device from your computer.