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  • Exchange Concerning David W. Bercot
  • Covering - Custom Charts by Pat Donahue
  • Head Covering Woman is a website by Joyce Dudley who has written quite a bit on the subject. We do not agree with all of what she says. For instance, she says that women could prophesy in the church since that was the Holy Spirit speaking through them and not them speaking.

    Paul says that nobody was forced to prophesy, but that the prophets were in control of when they prophesied. He uses the same wording for the prophets that they must be silent if another prophet is to say something. Then right after these verses, he makes it clear that women are to be silent in the churches. This includes prophesying.

    So how do you reconcile this command with 1 Corinthians 11? I do not believe that 1 Corinthians 11 is restricted to "in the church." That starts in verse 18. Women could prophesy, but not in the church. (Joel Williams)