Why I Wrote the Book
The Head Coverings of 1 Corinthians 11 is now printed and available from religious book sellers. (U.S. distributor—IIP, 305 Coffee Avenue NE, Russellville AL 35653) Its birth followed a gestation period of considerably longer than the nine months for a human baby; but the labor of producing it might be compared to the labor of giving birth to a baby, though without the physical pain. It is now my child with, I fervently pray, a future of producing good.
Why did I write it? Not because I enjoy involving myself in religious controversy. And certainly not because I enjoy taking a position which is a minority position among brethren. The following quote from the introduction explains:
“I have studied much of what has been written on the matter and have had friendly discussions with many brethren. As I have gathered material and examined the different arguments, I have longed for a forum in which these things can be taught and examined… I reluctantly came to the conclusion that the best way to give brethren access to this material was for me to write the book. So after much labor and prayer, here it is.”
The 150 page book includes chapters on: Headship, Custom, What the Early Christians Believed About the Head Covering, The Hair, The lesson from “nature”, While Praying or Prophesying, No Such Practice, The Holy Kiss and Washing of Feet, What Constitutes a Covering?, Fellowship, Why So Many Positions? The appendix includes the comments of Richard E. Oster in a recent commentary.
Thoughtful, reasonable, scriptural—this is how you will find this book. Whether or not you agree that women should cover their heads in worship today and that men should not, you will find your thinking changed.